APPRECIATE what the police and special forces are trying to do for you. They're trying to keep you safe and put another day in your life. And they actually did quite an impressive job, having managed to sniff out the main guy responsible for the JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton bombing, Noordin M Top, safe house and network in less than a month. What's even better, the police succedeed in foiling a plan to blow up the president's private residence during the Indonesian Independence Day on August 17th. These terrorists are truly insane.
It was rumored that Noordin was killed during the raid, but the police have yet to release a formal statement following the result of DNA test. Two of his accomplices were shot dead in another location for trying to toss pipe bombs into the police when arrested. The two were to be suicide bombers for the president's residence bombing on Aug 17, and they were accomplices during the Australian Embassy bombing in 2004. Good riddance. And GREAT JOB KAPOLRI!! Keep up the awesome job.
Here are some photos of the drama. Photo credit to username: Ed Lee from Kas Kus ( and AFP Getty.
Raid in Temanggung, East Java
The house where the terrorist holed up lit with police spotlight
The raid started at Friday afternoon, around 5pm and lasted for 18 hrs, until 9:50am the next day. The police were wary of previous experience with booby trapped entrances and suicide bombs and chose to flush the suspect out of the house instead.
Snipers and members of Detachment 88 (Indonesia's elite counter-terrorism unit) took up the high ground and shot up at the house
Drama during the siege. Check out the white smoke billowing after police rocketed the house.
White smoke billows from the house. Police blew up the house 5 times with low explosives to flush the terrorist out
Police securing post raid perimeter. 1 dead terrorist was taken out with body bag. One less evil person on the world. Let's celebrate.
Separate Raid at Bekasi, near Jakarta. The House of Would-Be Bombers for the Presidential Palace and Residence During Celebration of Indonesian Independence Day, Aug 17.
A lone officer of Indonesia's elite counter-terrorism unit Special Detachment 88 stands guard at the street entrance to the terrorists' house. That's a nice shotgun, dude. But no semi-auto assault shotgun?
Activity surrounding the raid at suspected terrorists' house in Bekasi.
Look at the luggage. It's the same delivery method used in Marriot and Ritz Carlton bombing.
Bomb squad officer trying to defuse the assembled explosives material. Dude, careeeefuul.
A flock of special forces officers. I wouldn't mess with these guys.
Confiscated bomb making material enough to make 100 kg (220 lbs) explosives!
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