Laura Ling and Euna Lee must be the luckiest, and dumbest, girls on earth. Dumb, for getting themselves caught and sentenced to 12 years of hard labor in the most disgusting place on earth - North Korea. Lucky, because they happen to be Americans and their country happens to care enough, this one instance, to work to secure their release. All political motivations aside, I'd be the happiest SOB alive when I see ex-President Clinton's face when I emerge from the dark dungeon. I don't care what the man did in the past, but I will sure tell him that he's the best face I've ever seen in my life.
Can you really imagine spending 12 years of your life, years that will never return to you, in that hole? Good luck with THAT. A place where the totalitarian government tells you that only women can sell things in the open market within a certain time of the day? A place where 60% of the children population suffers malnutrition while the toad-like leader, loony Kim Jong-il eats his fresh lobsters flown in every day with silver chopsticks, and collects 20,000 movies. Oh, and he's also a playboy. He collects mistresses who don't have any say in the process, and randomly kidnaps people from other country (Japan, South Korea) to either entertain him or work for him. Yet, he makes people worship him and punish those who doesn't publicly bow down and lick his ass. This guy would've been the ultimate laughing stock if it weren't for his nuclears and unstable head.
I'm a big fan of the idea of invading North Korea and removing the snake's head once and for all so that the country could normalize. But with former President Clinton's visit, looks like relations are going to thaw out. I hope the US does the right thing now and succeeds in dismantling all of their nuclears, so there's no more nonsense of this culture of fear.
As for Laura Ling and Euna Lee, consider yourselves the luckiest persons on earth. It is good to be Americans. Otherwise you can see yourself being strapped on Leia costumes and put on leashes and made to sit next to the dear leader, obeying his every whims. Haha, bet you'd think twice now before doing anything stupid like that anymore. I sure hope my country would do something like that for her citizens if it ever happens! (knock on wood)
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