Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hello! Greg here. You pretty much know me as the guy who lived in the US for 12 years, had a blast, but then got laid off and decided to look for better opportunities in Jakarta, Indonesia. Yeah, I know how that sounds. But the job situation in the US really is dire right now, and my hearts go out to all my friends and family who are affected by this malady. Hang tough guys, we all know things will get better soon.

I've decided to re-start my blogging because I've noticed that employers these days increasingly want some sort of proof or assurance that I'm technologically-and web-literate. Over the past 3 weeks, about 40% of interviewers asked me, "So, what do you know about Web 2.0? Anything to show for it?" Usually I just mumble that I'm active on Facebook, Flickr and YouTube but nothing else to show for. I actually had a blog service that ran from 2001 thru 2004, then I left it for dead on a 5 years hiatus. When I came back, all of my old posts were gone. I guess either Google erased all my files for non-activity or something happened when they migrated everyone to Google in 2006 - I don't really care. Those posts were just figments of my bored, tormented souls back when I was a poor, starving students. It was all emo, and it was disgusting when I think back of what I wrote. Google had better really erased it!!

So anyways, seeing that I'm looking for a job now, it can't hurt that I have this. I'm hoping that some people would be kind enough to read this, and even *gasp* help me by following this blog, so that employers think that I write good stuff.

In return, I'll try to post interesting topics and educamation materials, ranging from food, arts and culture, music, movies review, pop culture, and general random stuff. I promise I'll make it as interesting as possible, like that day when I saw someone on foot crossing the 60 km/h toll road in Jakarta and actually made it across.

So... without further ado, here's some basic info about me and my blog: My name is Greg Haradiran, and I live in the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. Previous to this, I lived in the beautiful state of California, in the great country of the United States of America.

You may wonder why I chose the display name "Greggiepooh." When you're done supressing your impulse to throw up, allow me to explain. This was a pet name that was given by my ex-coworkers at my last job, AL and SR. These people are very dear to me, and therefore the pet name that they gave me is precious memory. Later on, ML and another AL started adopting the name and everyone else calls me by that name. I miss them much. When I came to the job, the four of them, AL, SR, ML and AL were the youngest people at the company, bored and greatly outnumbered by everyone else who were, let's just say, not very young. There wasn't much excitement in terms of what they were able to do with people with similar minds and interest (by interest I mean "Happy Hour" - I cannot disclose too much of it, but suffice it to say that it was plenty "happy). We were all in the same Marketing department, and we very quickly bonded together and became the rebels of the company. We laughed together, suffered together, ate together, traveled together, and hung out together. Those were the good times, and it was ours, and no one can take it away from us. Things are obviously not the same today, but the sweet memories stay with me forever. I thought I'd honor the memories by using the pet name they've given me.

And the blog title "Nighthag?" Well, I always stay up late when I do things like this, and the last 3 words "hag" are really "H.A.G." that stands for my full name. If you know me, you can pretty much guess what those are.
So, that's it! I'll continue more tomorrow. I hope you come visit back soon.

1 comment:

Si Toing said...

congrats 4 ur new blog.
Hope it will help a lot 4 ur future.
Good luck bro!