Friday, July 24, 2009

What does it mean if a BlackBerry app is in bold?

Unimportant, yet knowing this makes me feel good. It's as if a light bulb just went off in my head. So THAT'S what it meant!

Website link:

The following is an as-is cut and paste from the website. Like I said, credit goes to the above link.

What Does It Mean If A Blackberry App Is In Bold?
Posted by Joe July 24, 2009

Just as a quick experiment, pick up your BlackBerry and go to Options, Advanced Options, Applications. After the app list builds, you’ll see your normal list. You might have noticed this before, but a number of those applications are in bold-faced font. I noticed it, but never bothered to even wonder why. Just figured it was because it was. Then I ran into this article by Al Sacco. He’s an interesting dude, and if he’s interested in why some apps are bolded, well, I guess that makes it interesting. Answer after the jump.

Drum roll please…

It means that you’ve edited the default permissions of the application. You might not remember doing so, and that’s probably because you never actively did it. Many applications need access to features like GPS, and to gain this access they need to gain permission. When you boot up the application (or sometimes when you install it), you’re asked to grant the application these permissions. Most people say yes and then forget about it.

If you want to change the permissions back to default, just highlight the application, hit Menu, select Edit Default Permissions, hit Menu again, and select Apply Defaults to All. Of course, that might not be the best idea. Taking away these permissions can render an application essentially worthless.


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