Friday, September 30, 2011

Getting married? AVOID THIS DECOR COMPANY FROM HELL: Mount Florist, Jl. Kelinci Raya No. 40, Pasar Baru. Name: Naomi Soeryadi, 0815-888-2364

I wanted to share this particularly rotten decor company if you live in Indonesia and are getting married. Here is their information:

Mount Florist
Jl. Kelinci Raya No. 40
Pasar Baru.
Name: Naomi Soeryadi, 0815-888-2364

Stay away from this unprofessional company as they requested full payment prior to rendering service and then cancelling at the last minute, saying that they have another client that day and chose them instead of us.

This is fine if they want to ensure that each client gets the best service, but the problem is they told us at the very last minute, precisely when we are driving down to a meeting place, to finalize our plan which we had talked about months before.

And they cancelled via Blackberry messenger, as we were en route to the meeting place, no sorry, no apology, nothing.

This is what they said roughly:
"Good afternoon, sorry, but I've just seen in my calendar that on 3o oct, the same date of your wedding, I have another decor. The place is far. So I've decided to cancel my contract with you. Sorry about that."

And that was it. Attempts to reach this vendor has been unsuccessful. So now we are trying to figure out what is happening with our payment to this vendor.

Stay away from this troubled vendor.



Jika Anda akan menikah, hati-hati dengan vendor berikut ini:

Mount Florist
Jl. Kelinci Raya No. 40
Pasar Baru.
Name: Naomi Soeryadi, 0815-888-2364

Mereka ini servisnya busuk banget. Mereka baru aja cancel kontrak kita, lewat BBM, dan parahnya lagi, sewaktu kita lagi jalan mau meeting sama mereka di gedung pernikahan. Kita mau final meeting buat beresin semuanya, yang notabene uda dibahas berbulan2 sebelumnya. Eh tau2 dapet BBM isinya begini:

"Met siang, mohon maaf. Saya baru liat agenda pd tgl 30 Oct 2011 saya ada dekor, tempat berjauhan, takut mengecewakan. Jadi putuskan tdk jadi ambil dekor, kawatir tidak bisa tangani. Makasih."

Wah, seenak jidat banget nih vendor. Terus bulan2 berikutnya yg dia ceriwis banget maksa2 kita utk full payment itu duitnya gimana? Doain yah semoga bisa balik semua.

Pokoknya, kalau mau merit, ati2 aja sama vendor yang ini. Sekedar sharing, mudah2an ga ada yg kejeblok kayak kita. Peace.